Combat CFMA Center for Functional Martial Arts
Combat CFMA
Comprehensive Functional Martial Arts
Sifu Louis
Sifu Kamille Louis
Filipino Kali Classes

Filipino Kali

Weapon Based Warrior Art

Kali is a Filipino Martial Art (FMA) that has been developed to defend against multiple attackers as well as single opponents. The training heightens a student’s awareness of his/her surroundings and teaches the use of tools in the environment for combat. Everyday objects, such as umbrellas, books, belts, etc., become effective means of self-defense in the hands of a properly trained individual.

Drills and techniques are taught in a fluid, non-restrictive manner to help students improve their coordination, sense of timing, speed, awareness, balance, agility, and confidence.

Filipino Kali

Kali, also known as Escrima or Arnis, was shaped by the turbulent history of the Philippine Islands. Early Filipino Martial Arts were strongly influenced by Indonesian, Chinese and Muslim cultures. Native Filipino warriors known as the Moros developed an effective and lethal fighting system, using bladed weapons such as the bolo or barong. In the late fifteen hundreds, the Spaniards invaded and eventually conquered the Philippines which added a Spanish influence to Filipino martial arts.

The Spaniards suffered such heavy casualties from bolo wielding Filipino warriors, that bladed weapons and martial arts practice were outlawed. In order to preserve their fighting skills, the Filipinos created folk dances by using wooden sticks to mimic the motions of the bladed weapons in combination with intricate footwork. These dances were often performed in front of the Spaniards, who did not realize that the Filipinos were actually training for combat. These folk dances were the ancestors of modern-day Kali fighting systems.

Our Kali system is a highly sophisticated martial art that draws from various indigenous Filipino Martial Arts such as the Warrior Arts of the Moros, in addition to Southern Chinese Gung Fu, and South East Asian Martial Arts. Our Kali is a complete warrior art that is weapon based, but ultimately an empty hand system.


I took Kenpo in high school, but could not continue after going off to college. I had an interest in getting back into some style of martial arts, especially once I started working as a police officer. Unfortunately, life’s demands caused me to put it off for several more years. I finally decided to research different schools, and different styles of martial arts. I wanted to learn a style that was practical and useful in real life and (law enforcement) situations. I looked into several schools, but after finding COMBAT CFMA website and meeting with Sifu Louis, I knew I found what I was looking for. First, the system that Sifu Louis teaches is perfect for all aspects and ranges of combat. I have learned stand up and ground fighting, as well as weapons fighting and defenses, since the first class. The styles and movements are scientific, yet so simplistic and economic. More importantly, they work! I have effectively used techniques and skills at work without having to think about it. Second, Sifu Louis has a heart of gold and truly cares about each person’s ability to protect themselves. He is a huge supporter of the law enforcement community and understands the types of combat situations we face. I’m truly grateful for finding Combat CFMA. My only regret is not finding it sooner.

- Scott
Law Enforcement / Detective

Kali Combat System

Kali Combat System

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